Solutions & Services

for business

Grid-connected and Off-grid energy supply from the sun


We develop solar solutions tailored to the requirements of each client.

Our solutions allow you to diversify energy supply by using clean energy, reducing dependence from fluctuating energy prices, reducing dependence from grid supply and contributing to fight climate change; all while generating savings to your business.

Zero upfront cost for your business

TechEnergie will develop, invest, build, and operate the solar plant, selling only the electricity generated by the system at competitive prices.

By entering into a long-term PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) with TechEnergie, you will benefit from competitive power prices, improve long-term price planning diversify your energy supply sources, benefit from on-site green energy and contribute to global carbon impact reduction.

For customers who prefer to own the power plant, TechEnergie will develop, build and maintain the plant under a BOT contract, taking responsibility of all activities until the solar plant is transferred to the client.

For off-grid projects
We integrate state-of-the art electricity storage solutions allowing you to benefit 24/7 without interruption from clean energy supply

We will operate and maintain the solar plant, providing you with on-time access to project statistics and performance data

Our in-house monitoring platform resulting from TechEnergie’s accumulated international experience, will allow for a comprehensive preventive, predictive, and corrective maintenance of all plants regardless of their location.

for utilities

Solar and Wind


Full project development until completion and operation.

TechEnergie overviews all steps of project development until a project starts operation, involving selected reputable local and international partners as required in the process.

Site Analysis and selection
Process and obtain interconnection
Invest in the construction of the power plant
Ensure community support and acceptance
Executive Design and project engineering
Sign a long-term PPA
Environmental assessment and permit
Select appropriate equipment suppliers and EPC contractors
Overview operation & maintenance
Secure all required permits for construction and operation
Organize construction and long-term finance
Ensure asset management

There is a solution for every business

We will evaluate your needs at your request.

Email Us to meet our team